Masterclass: Branding and Value Propositions that Spark Growth

Tricia Levasseur
4 min readNov 23, 2017

The ‘not so secret’ ingredients to success:

Now that you’ve identified your company’s values, its mission and your vision for its future — it is time to define your brand and develop your value proposition.

But first, here’s a quick review of terms to make sure we’re all on the same page before we get into why defining your brand and developing a value proposition will help you market and grow your business.

Brand: also known as a ‘brand name’ is any word, design, sound, shape, or color, or combination of these used to distinguish a seller’s goods or services from its competitors in the eyes of the customer.

Branding: the term ‘branding’ was first associated with cattle ranchers burning a mark on steer so that a rancher could identify his steer from those owned by another rancher. Branding products and services keeps with this principle; a company burns its brand image in the minds of consumers.

Photo location: Sapporo, Japan

Brand Equity: this is the evidence that a brand (or words/design) used to distinguish a company’s products is strong. It is the added value a brand…



Tricia Levasseur
Tricia Levasseur

Written by Tricia Levasseur

Business Exec combining Storytelling & Digital Technology. Patient Advocate. Former Bloomberg Journalist. Cambridge MBA.

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